Lassi (pronounced “LAH-see”) is simply fresh yoghurt blended with room temperature water. Yoghurt is predominantly sweet and sour, and is heavy in nature. It therefore tends to increase Kapha dosha, it can also block the body channels or shrotas, causing Ama (toxic buildup). Thinning yoghurt with water and blending it changes the molecular structure so it is more easily assimilated.
Lassi not only tastes delicious but aids the digestion process as well. Blending with water kindles the agni principle in yoghurt (Agni means digestive fire), making this combination excellent for digestion when taken at the end of the meal.
This Lassi is especially good if your Pitta dosha is high and you need to cool down. This Lassi can be enjoyed with lunch. If you have a high Pitta and therefore have a good digestion, it can also be taken after your meal.
1 Part of Yoghurt or Filmjolk(1/2 cup of Yoghurt)
4 Parts of Water ( 2 cups of Water)
2 Tsp of Sugar ( or to taste)
Pinch of ground Cardamom, 1 drop of Rose water
Put all ingredients into a blender and blend for 1-2 minutes. Adjust sugar according to taste.
This Lassi is especially good for your digestion and this is specific for Vata and Pitta dosha.
1 Part of Yoghurt or Filmjolk(1/2 cup of Yoghurt)
4 Parts of Water ( 2 cups of Water)
Pinches of Cummin powder, Salt
Put all ingredients together and mix or use a blender and blend for 1-2 minutes