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Your Ultimate Guide for Healthy Living with Ayurveda
Dr. Tejal
Jul 30, 20181 min read
Sitkari Pranayam (Cooling Breath)
Like Sitali, Sitkari is also a breath cooling technique that removes excess heat from the body. It also cures diseases like acidity,...
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Dr. Tejal
Jul 30, 20181 min read
Shitali Pranayam (Cooling Breath)
The word “sheetali” means cooling in Sanskrit, it is taken from the original word “Sheetal” which is soothing or cold. The practice of...
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Dr. Tejal
Jul 29, 20182 min read
Bhastrika Pranayam
Bhastrika means bellows. A bellows is a device for forcing air in a concentrated way usually to help a fire burn. In Bhastrika pranayama...
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Dr. Tejal
Jul 29, 20182 min read
Kapalbhati Pranayam
In Sanskrit Kapal means forehead and bhati means shining or glow thus literally this breathing technique brings glow to the forehead of...
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Dr. Tejal
Jul 22, 20182 min read
Relieve Stress and Insomnia by Bhramari Pranayam (Humming Bee Breath)
The original word in the term Bhramari is Bhramar (humming bee).The characteristics of this pranayama is to create a sound like humming...
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Dr. Tejal
Jul 15, 20181 min read
Anulom Vilom Pranayam
ANULOM VILOM PRANAYAM Sit in Sukha Asana, close your eyes and relax all your muscles for while. Then, inhale from your left nostril while...
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Dr. Tejal
Jul 8, 20181 min read
Udgeet Pranayam (OM chanting)
Udgeet Pranayam is known as chanting of ‘OM’. In Sanskrit Udgeet means singing in a loud pitch.Literally Udgeet pranayama means chanting...
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Dr. Tejal
Jul 1, 20181 min read
The term Pranayama has been constituted by two words: Prana + Ayama. Prana is vital energy and Ayama means to control or to give a...
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